MDLSV was a bronze sponsor for the 2016 United Way Women’s Forum. On Wednesday, April 13, more than 400 women came together at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore to network and discuss how targeted interventions are helping families pacing poverty “overcome the odds”.
Highlights of the event included:
- Panel discussion led by health, education and human service experts, later followed by table conversations and role-plays.
- Announcement of the launch of the Early Warning Response System (EWRS) program, a new education pilot that will help children struggling with attendance, behavior and curriculum challenges stay on track to graduate from high school.
- Guest appearance by Omarina Cabrera, a young woman who was featured on PBS’ Frontline television program. She was homeless and at high risk to drop out, but with the help of the New York City EWRS program, Omarina is about to graduate from one of the best New England boarding schools and will be attending George Washington University in Fall 2016!
- Keynote address from New York Times best-selling author and Baltimore native Laura Lippman
- Over $18,000 was raised to support the Early Warning Response initiative in Baltimore County and Baltimore City