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Clear Wrinkles with ThermiSmooth

A non-invasive solution for patients looking to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, ThermiSmooth is a cosmetic treatment that counteracts the effects of aging quickly and effectively. Based on ThermiRF technology, it utilizes radiofrequency energy to heat tissues beneath the skin in a way that boosts collagen production over time, leading to smoother, more radiant-looking skin. ThermiSmooth can be used on many different parts of the body, including the eyes and eyelids, the mouth, the forehead, and the neck. Whether to treat crow’s feet, smile lines, or other wrinkles, it uses heat in a controlled manner in order to achieve lasting results.

How ThermiSmooth Works

A ThermiSmooth treatment begins with the application of a small amount of gel to the skin’s surface. Next, a handpiece is placed on the skin and gently moved in a circular motion, creating what most patients compare to the feeling of a warm massage. As the handpiece is being moved, the skin’s temperature rises until it hits a specifically targeted level, automatically adjusting as needed in order to achieve and sustain the right amount of heat. Each problem area receives about five minutes of sustained heat, targeting the tissues and signaling to the body a need for more collagen production. Through multiple treatments to the same area, the skin begins to look smoother over time and the skin’s laxity improves*.

Advantages of ThermiSmooth

The precise, gentle heating involved with ThermiSmooth treatments is a safe, comfortable method of smoothing the skin. Unlike surgical treatments, it can be performed right in the office, quickly and comfortably. What’s more, patients have little to no downtime and can resume normal activities after receiving their treatments. Based on a novel radiofrequency energy delivery system, this procedure uses a noninvasive treatment technique to restore a youthful and healthy glow to the skin.

Thermismooth Face Before and After

*Results may vary for each patient.

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