What Is Gentlewaves?
The First FDA-cleared Light Emitting Diode (LED) system for the treatment of periorbital (eye area) wrinkles and rhytids, Gentle Waves® LED Photomodulation repairs and strengthens the skin by building new layers of collagen which is vital to skin structure as we age. Much like an exercise regimen, the Skin Fitness program also minimizes breakdown and provides long-lasting results. The pulsed yellow light stimulates the formation of collagen in the skin, reduces redness, inflammation, and aids in healing. There is no recovery time during this series of treatments. GentleWaves technology is extremely effective at treating crow’s feet, rosacea, and sun damage.
Schedule an Appointment
Our team provides thoughtful, expert care for all your skin health needs. We are proud to offer the most advanced general, surgical and cosmetic dermatologic services throughout Baltimore County.