fraxel restore

Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 laser treatment targets aging and sun-damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into the skin to expedite your body’s remodeling of collagen. The Fraxel DUAL treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, leaving the surrounding tissue intact, which promotes very rapid healing. Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 treatment resurfaces skin by stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells from the inside out*.

Fraxel is effective on:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Pigmentation – age spots
  • Sun damage – skin damage and dark spots

fraxel dual

*Please note that results from this treatment may vary. Please contact our office to see if you are a good candidate for treatment with Fraxel Restore Dual.

Fraxel Restore Dual Testimonial

“Dr. Beasley did an amazing job helping me get rid of my adult acne by prescribing topical treatments and the perfect low dosage of Accutane, which got rid of my acne without producing undesirable side effects. I also loved the three Fraxel treatments I had after my course of medication. Fraxel did an excellent job of minimizing my scarring and uneven pigmentation, and it helped shrink my pores.”